

What are your dreams?  Happiness?  A healthy body?  Less stress?  Acceptance?  Transform yourself. 


1.5 Hour Teleconference

BreakThrough Session

With:  Brenda Miller, CBr1

Pre-Requisite:  BreakThrough 1 Seminar With Any Instructor


You Are Invited To Transform Your Life…are You Coming?

After you register, you will receive an email with a call-in number and code number that gives you access to the group BreakThrough session.  It’s similar to the BreakThrough session done in class – it’s done on one person who will be randomly selected, but everyone gets the benefit of the work being done because the subconscious mind is there and listening.  You can participate out loud or do your own work in silence.  As you pay your long distance charges, ensure you have a good plan and join me – in this quest for transforming our lives through awareness.


Date                                   Time                      

Tuesday, May 15, 2007                                 5:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Mountain Standard Time


To check the time difference, go to  Select Time Zone Converter; select the day & time of the class, select Canada Mountain & convert to your location to find out your local time and make the call then.     


Fee: $55 Canadian

Cancellation:  $20 returned to participant.


In North America, call toll free: 1-866-693-8699
Email at
Call 1-403-793-8699