BodyTalk Therapy
From A Distance
A remote session is done when the practitioner
does the work from the clinic, and you receive the session from the
comfort of your own home or wherever you are.
It can be effectively performed from any distance,
whether you are across the city, or in a different country.
The Complexities
of the Brain
Techniques known as Mindscape and Silva UltraMind
enable us to access the alpha state which allows the practitioner
to tune into clients and deal with their healing priorities at a deep
and lasting level, even at a distance. While the practitioner cannot
'read the client's mind', they are able to identify healing priorities.
The practitioner uses a technique that accesses
more potential of the brain in order to open the latent, intuitive
powers of the mind. It is well known that humans only use a small
fraction of their brain. When using proper techniques it is possible
to unleash the endless possibilities of the brain. The brain is able
to function at a number of different cycles, one of which is the alpha
state mentioned above. In this state the brain is functioning at optimal
levels with much faster and more efficient operation.
The Science
Behind It